Hi everyone!
Well, we're all moved in to our new house! We closed on Friday, November 4th and officially moved in on November 5th. We've been here for 4 weeks, and are adjusting well. The boys all seem to be adjusting well too. The first night, Noah was upset because he said he "needed to go to his little house," when it was time to go to bed, but he seemed to get over it quickly as we reassured him that we would be there with him. Noah and Evan's room is almost completely finished/decorated. They have Buzz Lightyear and Woody "fat heads" on their walls, which are 6 ft stickers of the characters. Brian painted Noah and Evan's names in the Toy Story font on one wall, and we hung Buzz and Woody posters on another wall.
Noah and Evan's mural in their room |
Brian just finished Josh's mural today...it is AMAZING!
Joshua's mural - AMAZING! |
There are still several things we want to do with the house, and are getting them done little by little. Everyone who comes to see it seems to like the house. We certainly do! It's great after living in an apartment with three kids.
We've all been pretty busy lately, as usual. In late October, Noah and Evan had their first trick-or-treating experience at St. Regis' trunk-or-treat, and we also went to Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah's annual Halloween party. Noah and Evan were both Captain Hook, and Joshua was a crocodile.
Trunk-or-treating! |
Evan messing with Josh |
On Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah's couch |
Noah also had an appointment with an ENT at Children's Mercy to check a "bulge" on his neck that we had been concerned about. It turns out that it is just a part of his anatomy, and nothing serious and nothing to worry about.
In early November, Joshua and I both had doctor's appointments. I had my bi-yearly breast cancer prevention appointment, and everything went very well. Joshua had his 6month check up on November 8th. He weighed 17lbs, 13oz (45th percentile), was 26 3/4 inches tall (75th percentile), and his head circumference was in the 90th percentile. He is a very healthy little boy! He received his 6 month immunizations, as well as his flu shot. He is still nursing, but also eats rice cereal every day. He also tried green beans on November 11, carrots on November 17th, peas on November 26th, and sweet potatoes last night. He didn't like the green beans at first, but quickly learned to like them and he now eats them, carrots, and peas very well! I am making all of his baby food, just like I made Noah and Evan's. Joshua turned 7 months old yesterday, December 2nd. He is growing up so fast!
Joshua playing with Noah and Evan's toys |
Chilling with Daddy |
First bath in the new house! |
My big man! |
Trying carrots |
6 months old! |
Loving on cousin Mia :) |
6.5 month photo |
First Turkey photo! |
All smiles while shopping on Black Friday! |
Superman! |
Noah and Evan are doing great! I think they are growth spurting, because it seems that they are ALWAYS hungry! One of their favorite things to do is to open the refrigerator door, look at us, and say, "hungry, hungry, hungry," while laughing. They love to eat plums, apples, bananas, tortillas ("real" ones, which means the ones my mom makes), fruit cups, cocoa puffs, cinnamon toast crunch ("crunchies" to them), and carrots for snacks. Their favorite meals are chicken bowls from Chipotle, chicken and noodles, and pizza. Their vocabulary is still getting better and better each day. For the most part, they play very well with each other. They occasionally fight over toys, but are usually willing to share and take turns. Their favorite thing to do is to wear their "rippin' shirts" (plaid button down shirts that Grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike gave them) unbuttoned and run around the house.
Noah in Michael Jude's play house |
Evan and Noah baking cookies |
Evan in my boots |
Noah in his cool dude sunglasses |
Noah in the bathtub at the new house |
Buzz and Woody ready for bed |
Evan eating a hotdog at the Comets game |
Playing in the leaves after our family photo shoot |
Evan in a funny hat at Lowe's |
Noah in his tunnel |
Cool dudes! |
In the past few weeks before Thanksgiving, we went to a Comets indoor soccer game to celebrate our Aunt Ruthie's retirement, had Brian's family (his mom, brother, and grandparents) over for dinner, and also went to Michael Jude's 3rd birthday party. Noah, Evan, and Josh had a blast during each event!
Thanksgiving was fun. We were able to spend the day with family and friends at my parents' house even though Noah had been feeling under the weather with the croup. Evan and Brian both got sick the next Saturday (Brian got bronchitis), and Joshua got croup this past week and is just now getting over his cough. I've luckily just had a runny/stuffy nose through all of this. I am now praying that everyone is healthy within just a few days. It's been a rough week and a half to say the least!
We got our family photos taken back on Saturday, November 19th. I think they turned out pretty well!
This past week, we've decorated for Christmas and also adopted an "elf on a shelf," whom Noah and Evan have named Buddy. He is here to watch and listen as Santa's helper. Each night after Noah and Evan go to bed, Buddy magically flies to the North Pole to let Santa know how they have behaved that day. Noah and Evan love to wake up each morning and see what kind of mischief he's gotten into since he got back to our house. Here are his adventures so far!
Sitting on our mantle |
Reading Noah and Evan's Christmas books |
Attending one of Woody's staff meetings |
Playing with Noah and Evan's Hot Wheels |
Here are some pictures of the boys decorating for Christmas.
Awesome, awesome. Brian's murals are amazing!